Current Internal Feeling Within WWE About RAW Moving Off Mondays

Publish date: 2024-05-03

WWE is in the middle of some serious television rights deals right now, and things are picking up in a big way. At this point, the very nature of Monday Night RAW could be in jeopardy, because the red brand may change nights.

We previously reported that Endeavor is very much open to the idea of WWE moving off Mondays in their new television rights deal. This captured a lot of attention throughout the internet wrestling community.

Endeavor and TKO CEO Ari Emanuel discussed the deal during Bloomberg’s Screentime conference. He said that WWE is very open to the idea of moving RAW’s night of the week, if the deal calls for it.

“So, you cannot undervalue the WWE and UFC for the following reasons: One, we do not have a season. One of the biggest issues that will happen with s-mods and networks is churn. We’re 52 weeks a year, right? And we’re flexible. You want us Thursday night? You want us Tuesday night? I don’t have any of those scheduling issues and that churn issue because we’re the full year. It’s so much different than any other sport because then people churn out. That’s one of the issues with sports. Not in a bad way… and then the package is over and then you leave. We do not have that. Our fans are loyal, they stick around and they move.”

Ringside News was told by a tenured member of the WWE team that, “There have been no internal clues or hints about where Raw lands.” At this juncture, Nick Khan and Endeavor are keeping that very tight, as they should.

Reports have circulated that WWE employees, staff, and talent on the RAW brand would much rather see the show stay on Mondays. After all, Monday Night RAW is an American institution at this point.

We can confirm that the feeling exists that those in the company would much rather see RAW on Mondays. That being said, this is a call that takes place at the highest corporate level, and not one that WWE fishes around the suggestion box to determine.

We will have to see where and when WWE RAW lands when the time comes for their new television rights deal. Obviously, it could greatly change a lot of fans’ weekly viewing habits, ones that they have been very much fixed on for decades.

Do you hope that WWE RAW stays on Mondays? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

October 15, 2023 10:20 am

H Jenkins

I love pro wrestling and hate BS. These two things drive me. Years of experience in writing, journalism, and digging exclusive insider info for Ringside News. Worked in finance before realizing pro wrestling journalism made much less sense. Pro beachballs at pro wrestling shows, pro dives if someone catches, anti bullies, olives, and pineapples on pizza.
