Meghan Trainor Shared That She "Can't Walk" After "Painful" Sex With Her Husband

Publish date: 2024-05-03

The reigning queen of TMI strikes again. During the latest episode of her podcast, Workin On It, Meghan Trainor explained (in varying degrees of cringe-inducing detail) that sex with her husband Daryl Sabara is "painful" because his penis is so big. Note: she hosts the podcast with her brother, Ryan Trainor, so there are layers to this conversation.

"My husband is a big boy," she said of Sabara. The two married in 2018 and he's most known for his role in the Spy Kids franchise. And then, because Meghan is Meghan, she added, "My pussy is broken, though. I have pussy anxiety." Sorry to anyone hoping for a pure and wholesome re-watch of Spy Kids now that those facts are out on the internet.

“[It’s] to the point where I’m like ‘Is it all in?’ and he’s like, ‘Just the tip,'” Trainor went on to say. “And I’m like, ‘I can’t do anymore.’ I don’t know how to fix that. Do I stretch? I wish I could make Daryl smaller. It's painful, dude." 

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If that wasn't enough to get people cringing, clapping for Sabara, or confused, Trainor added one one more detail, saying that she “can't walk' after sex.

But it's not just jokes for the sake of shock value. Trainor explained that she has been diagnosed with vaginismus. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it's “an involuntary tensing of the vagina." In addition to that diagnosis, Trainor said that after she gave birth to the couple's first child in 2021, she couldn't even think about sex.

"Do not look at me, do not touch me," Trainor said of her postpartum libido, which didn't return to its pre-pregnancy levels until a year after she welcomed her son Riley. "It took me so long to even consider having sex with him."

Now that Trainor is getting ready for the arrival baby no. 2, she says that she's prepared for the shift in her sex drive, though she's not ruling out sex entirely.

"I'm gonna figure it out," she assured her brother. "I'm gonna be a star at sex." 
