How Chris Tucker Really Lost So Much Money

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Although he is a comedian, Chris Tucker probably wasn't laughing when he was hit with his IRS bill. According to TMZ, in 2010, the IRS filed paperwork claiming the actor owed over $11 million spanning 2001 to 2006. If the "Rush Hour" actor thought that was bad, it only got worse. In 2014, Tucker was hit with another bill from Uncle Sam, per TMZ. According to documents, the IRS added another 2.5 million to Tucker's debt due to amounts he failed to pay in 2008 and 2010. Thus making the grand total that he owed to the government slightly over $14 million! This wild story seems like something out of a movie  — although it was a reality for the actor.

Tucker's reps claimed the negligence to pay the taxes was the fault of "poor accounting and business management." It wouldn't be the first time we've seen a shocking celebrity tax evasion scandal. Tucker even joked about the situation with Tom Joyner. After the comedian was asked what brought him back to the industry, He said, "The IRS, they said, 'You better get out and do something, or you're going down.' I said, 'Give me time. Let me get out on the street...I'll make [million] here. I'll make a [million] there. I'll get you the money, don't lock me up.'" Although Tucker promised to pay the IRS, it looks like he might have broken it.
