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Publish date: 2024-05-04
AAA Guerra de Titanes major show TV report
AAA Guerra de Titanes (1/2)
By: Xavier Hernandez
Show aired on: 01/03/2009

The show opens with the announcers' welcome from the arena in Orizaba. Preview of every match: Latin meets Konnan, D-MEX against the Family, and a steel cage match, where one man will be unmasked/shaved.

*Pretaped Segment: Zorro is counting money in the only way he knows (1,2,3..). Electro walks into his office, to ask for Zorro's "help". Electro wants to buy a car, and needs some support from the treasury. Zorro is so kind that he gives him money, courtesy of his own pocket (really?). Somewhere else, the Apaches are getting ready for their match, and Billy appears to wish them good luck. Fabi says she doesn't need luck, and kicks him out, even though Apache disagreed with her.

I found the Zorro segment funny especially since he was counting ten's and twenty's all as the same thing. If your going to be counting foreign currency you should at least know the denominations so you don't look like an idiot when you coun them. Or at least put them in seperate piles for each denomination. But maybe I am being to nit picky but I work at a casino so what can I say? Another thing that irritates me is that Electroshock needed help buying a car and that was important enough to warrant its own segment?
Looks like Fabi is taking a turn to the ruda side, that should be interesting and I wonder what they will do if she does?

1) AAA Mixed Tag Team Championship
El Oriental & Cinthia Moreno (c) vs. El Apache & Fabi Apache

-Only Fall: The Morenos apply dropkicks, and then both fly out of the ring. Back in the ring, the Morenos apply a nice variety of double team moves to punish the Apaches. The tecnicos make the comeback, and Apache hits a Diving Crossbody on Oriental. Fabi hits an Asai Moonsault on both Oriental and Apache. Cinthia tries to battle Apache, but she gets kissed instead. Oriental also kisses Fabi, so they're even now. Apache goes for the Swanton, but Cinthia moves the ropes to make Apache fall. Oriental tries the Vaderbomb, but Apache lifts his knees. Apache goes for the Crucifixbomb, but Oriental reverses it, and Fabi makes the save. Fabi accidentally kicks Apache, and Cinthia finishes him with a Diving Crossbody. In the ring, Oriental pins Fabi with a sick Death Valley Driver.

Winners and STILL champions: El Oriental & Cinthia Moreno

-Aftermath: A doctor check on Fabi, after the sick spot. Billy Boy arrives to check on Fabi, but he gets slapped. Billy turns on her, and stomps her. Apache chases Billy away.

Well anyone who has been watching AAA in the past year or so knew this was coming. I was glad to see the Moreno's in action. But I am wondering who else they could get to go against them for the belts? I mean how many tag teams can you make with only a limtied roster of women? You can't keep having Fabi/Mary and theyre dad go against them otherwise this is going to get old quick (if it hasn't already).

*Pretaped Segment: First, we get a video package highlighting D-MEX and their actions. Zorro meets with the Black Family, and talks about their match. Ozz tells Zorro that the Family supports the board, but not the Legion (then the angle from last week, never happened?).

Glad to see Ozz is getting a push towards leader of La Secta (it is so difficult to know what to call them. One week they are the Black Family the next week they are La Secta. I am going with La Secta cause I think it sounds better.) Still trying to figure out who the board is. Does he mean the board of directors of AAA? Or Zorro? Throw me a freakn bone here.

2) D-Generation MEX (X-Pac, Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero) vs. Black Family (Ozz, Cuervo & Scoria)

-Only Fall: The Family attacks the tecnicos right away. Romero makes the quick comeback with speedy moves. Waltman hits the Bronco Buster, and D-MEX is in control. Cuervo is tossed out of the ring, and Waltman hits a Hilo. Koslov also hits a Diving Plancha on Ozz. Romero finishes the flying marathon with a suicide dive on Scoria. Back in the ring, Ozz gives Waltman a chairshot, but Koslov dropkicks Ozz with the chair, and it's over.

Winners: X-Pac, Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero

-Aftermath: Zorro arrives, and the Family ambushes the tecnicos. Waltman is bleeding, due to the kendo stick of Zorro. Romero's arms are taped to the ropes, and Koslov is powerbombed through a table. Konnan joins the massacre of D-MEX. Konnan gets on the mic, and says D-MEX just paid the price of interfering in the Legion matches. He also addresses Roldan (sitting in the crowd), and tells him to leave.

Wow another Legion run in how predictable. Its good to see Ksolov and Romero adjusting well to AAA (on camera at least) although I would have liked to have seen them come in under different circumstances. This whol D-Mex thing is dumb. Waltman seems to be like HHH and HBK, in that he can't let go of the past. Would have liked to have seen a little more out of all these guys during this match but I guess they need more time.

3) Latin Lover (w/Vampiro) vs. Konnan (w/HF 2.0 & Arturo Rivera)

Prematch Comments: Konnan says he doesn't want Vampiro at ringside, and he introduces his seconds. Latin asks for Vampiro to be his second, and he accepts.

-Only Fall: The Harts enter the match, but Latin counters their attacks. The match transfers to the crowd, and Latin delivers hard strikes on Konnan. Vampiro tries to attack Konnan, but he gets a lowblow and a DDT. The Harts apply a double suplex on Latin, followed by a series of splashes. Evans hits the 630 Senton, but Latin moves. Latin tosses both Harts out of the ting, and hits a Corkscrew Crossbody on both. Anothe referee checks on Vampiro, but Konnan knocks him down, and attacks Vampiro again. Rivera confronts latin, and Konnan helps him. Konnan is tossed into a chair, and Latin attacks everyone. River gets KOed with brass knuckles. Latin also KOs Konnan with brass knuckles, and Tropicasas returns to make the tree count.

Winner: Latin Lover

-Aftermath: Latin dances above the body of an unconscious Konnan, while Rivera is "bleeding" from his mouth. Konnan says what the heck is Roldan doing inside the ring, because Roldan is a simple fan. Roldan makes fun of Konnan, and asks him to dance. A group of "policemen" enters the ring, and they handcuff both Roldan and Latin. Konnan tells Vampiro to shut up, or else he will end up like Roldan. (So Roldan and Latin go to jail then?)

I have to say with all honesty I didn't watch this match. I don't really like Latin Lover, so I skipped it.

4) Steel Cage Match (Loser leaves "unmasked/bald")
El Elegido vs. Pirata Morgan vs. SuperFly vs. Electroshock vs. Brazo de Plata vs. El Brazo (w/Guapito)

-Only Fall: Three midcard feuds mixed into one match, so everyone attacks their respective rival. The tecnicos and rudos make alliances to work as two teams. The rudos are set, and Porky hits a Plancha on the trio. A series of Triangle Holds is made with five guys, and Electro turns them around to lock a Single Leg Crab on Porky, and punish the rest as well. Fly climbs the cage, only to hit a Hilo on Electro. Elegido climbs, but Pirata pulls his trunks down. Pirata is the first one to escape the cage. Electro bodyslams Porky, and escapes the cage as well. Fly also escapes the cage at the same time. Porky climbs the cage, and leaves with the help of Fly. Elegido climbs the cage, but Pirata and Guapito try to stop him. Fly helps Elegido get Guapito inside the cage. Elegido and Pirata battle on top of the cage, while Guapito is left alone with Brazo. Technically Brazo lost already, because Guapito is not officially in the match. Guapito headbutts Brazo, and climbs the cage with help of Elegido.

Loser: El Brazo

-Aftermath: Looks like Guapito turned on Brazo, as he celebrates with the tecnicos. Brazo is shaved inside the cage, but he still complains about the actions of Guapito. Porky now makes fun of Brazo for losing his hair.

Lol so i wonder if Guapito is going to come out dressed as Elegido form now on. Not the best cage match ever but it was alright. It was kind of hard to watch what was going on with all the guys in the ring and you couldn't really see what was happening. I was glad to see Super Fly though. Well I guess Elegido is going to move from his feud with Pirata to Brazo now it seems, o joy......

FINAL COMMENTS: Believe or not, I liked this show. Every show has been terrible, since the Memorial show, so I was expecting another awful show, but I was wrong. This show wasn't a fantastic show, but it was the best show in weeks. The opener was pretty good, the D-MEX match was short but OK. The Konnan/Latin was bad, but somewhat entertaining, due to the people that interfered in it. The steel cage was decent, because we had three awful feuds combined. Guapito was not officially included in the match, so I believe Elegido should be credited as responsible for the loss of Brazo. Next week is part 2 of GdT, and I don't think it will be as nice as this first part.
