Watch Prometheus Crew Files Excerpts And Listen To The Movie Soundtrack

Publish date: 2024-05-05

By Josh Tyler | Updated 4 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old

We’ve seen quite a lot about the mechanical components of Ridley Scott’s upcoming Alien prequel Prometheus. There’s been a ship-focused spot and the crew’s android David got this brilliant viral video. But now our attention turns to the human members of the Prometheus crew.

The following is an excerpt from the crew files for the Prometheus. It’s the original pitch Dr. Elizabeth Shaw (played in the film by Noomi Rapace) made to Weyland, in order to get her expedition funded in the first place. Watch her make a case for his money…

Additionally, the entire Prometheus soundtrack is now available for your listening pleasure. You can buy it on iTunes, but here’s a free excerpt for your listening pleasure…

Exactly as eerie and cinematic as we’d hoped. If you want a hard copy version of the music, and not just a series of iTunes downloads, you can pre-order the Prometheus soundtrack right here.
