Publish date: 2024-05-06

My Hero Academia is one of the most popular and acclaimed manga and anime series of the recent years, featuring a world where 80% of the population has superpowers called Quirks, and a young boy named Izuku Midoriya who dreams of becoming a hero like his idol, All Might. The series is known for its thrilling battles, lovable characters, and emotional moments, but also for its shocking twists and turns that keep the fans on the edge of their seats.

One of the most shocking and controversial twists in the series was the apparent death of Katsuki Bakugo, one of the main characters and Midoriya’s childhood friend and rival. Bakugo is a hot-headed and arrogant boy who possesses the Quirk of Explosion, which allows him to create and manipulate explosions from his sweat. He is also one of the most powerful and talented students at U.A. High School, the prestigious academy for aspiring heroes.

Bakugo’s death occurred in Chapter 362 of the manga, during the final arc of the series, where the heroes faced off against the ultimate villain, All For One, who had taken over the body of his successor, Tomura Shigaraki. All For One is a sinister and ancient villain who possesses the Quirk of All For One, which allows him to steal and use other people’s Quirks, as well as transfer them to others. He is also the archenemy of All Might, the former number one hero and the mentor of Midoriya, who inherited his Quirk of One For All, which grants superhuman strength and speed.

In the climactic battle, Bakugo and several other heroes tried to stop All For One from reaching Midoriya, who was the only one who could defeat him. However, All For One proved to be too powerful and ruthless, and managed to pierce Bakugo’s chest with a spike of bone, killing him instantly. The manga showed Bakugo’s lifeless body and his soul leaving his body, leaving no doubt that he was dead.

However, in a surprising turn of events, Bakugo was brought back to life in Chapter 403 of the manga, thanks to a miraculous intervention by Edgeshot, one of the top heroes who sacrificed himself to save Bakugo. Edgeshot possessed the Quirk of Foldabody, which allowed him to manipulate his body into paper-thin shapes and sizes. He used his Quirk to enter Bakugo’s body and repair his heart and organs, using his own life force as a catalyst.

Bakugo then reappeared in the final battle, joining Midoriya and All Might in their fight against All For One, who was on the verge of defeat. Bakugo used his enhanced Explosion Quirk to blast All For One with a powerful attack, while Midoriya delivered the final blow with his One For All Quirk. Together, they managed to destroy All For One’s body and end his reign of terror.

Bakugo’s death and resurrection sparked a lot of debate and controversy among the fans, who had mixed reactions to the twist. Some fans were relieved and happy that Bakugo was alive, as he was one of their favorite characters and had a lot of potential for growth and development. They praised the author, Horikoshi Kohei, for his bold and creative storytelling, and for giving Bakugo a heroic and meaningful death, as well as a satisfying and epic comeback.

Other fans, however, were disappointed and angry that Bakugo was revived, as they felt that it cheapened his death and undermined the stakes and emotions of the story. They criticized the author for his lack of consistency and logic, and for using a convenient and unrealistic plot device to bring Bakugo back. They also argued that Bakugo’s death would have been a better and more impactful ending for his character arc, as it would have shown his growth and redemption, as well as his sacrifice and love for Midoriya.

Regardless of the opinions, Bakugo’s death and resurrection was undoubtedly one of the most memorable and controversial moments in My Hero Academia, and one that will be remembered and discussed for a long time. It also proved that the series is not afraid to take risks and surprise its fans, and that anything can happen in the world of heroes and villains.
