The Meaning Behind The Song: Reel Around the Fountain by The Smiths

Publish date: 2024-05-06


As a musician, I often find myself drawn to songs that have a deeper meaning or tell a compelling story. One such song that has always resonated with me is “Reel Around the Fountain” by The Smiths. I first heard this song on a rainy afternoon while I was browsing through my friend’s record collection, and from the moment the haunting melody started playing, I was captivated.

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The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Reel Around the Fountain” evoke a sense of mystery and introspection. The opening lines, “It’s time the tale were told, Of how you took a child, And you made him old,” paint a picture of someone who has had a profound impact on the narrator’s life, aging them prematurely in some way.

Throughout the song, there is a recurring theme of longing and desire for connection. The chorus, “Fifteen minutes with you, Well, I wouldn’t say no, Oh, people said that you were virtually dead, And they were so wrong,” hints at the narrator’s yearning for a brief moment of intimacy and the misconception others have about the person they desire.

In the bridge, the lyrics take a more poetic and symbolic turn, with lines such as “You can pin and mount me like a butterfly, But ‘Take me to the haven of your bed’ was something that you never said.” These words convey a sense of vulnerability and unrequited love, emphasizing the emotional distance between the narrator and the object of their affection.

The Controversy

“Reel Around the Fountain” faced controversy upon its release, with some tabloid newspapers accusing The Smiths of promoting pedophilia. However, the band vehemently denied these claims, and it’s important to note that the song’s lyrics do not explicitly mention any inappropriate relationships. Instead, the focus remains on themes of longing, isolation, and the complexities of human connection.

The Smiths’ Influence

The Smiths, led by the enigmatic duo of Johnny Marr and Morrissey, were known for their introspective and poetic lyrics set against Marr’s jangly guitar sound. “Reel Around the Fountain” exemplifies the band’s signature style and is a testament to their ability to convey intense emotions through music.

The song showcases Morrissey’s distinctive vocal delivery, filled with longing and vulnerability. Marr’s guitar work sets the melancholic tone, combining intricate melodies with a touch of dreaminess. The rhythm section, consisting of Mike Joyce on drums and Andy Rourke on bass, provides a solid foundation for the song’s introspective atmosphere.

In Conclusion

“Reel Around the Fountain” by The Smiths is a song that delves into the complexities of human emotions, particularly the longing for connection and the pain of unrequited love. Its haunting melodies, poetic lyrics, and emotive performances by the band make it a standout track on their debut album.

As a musician, I find inspiration in songs that go beyond the surface and explore deeper themes. “Reel Around the Fountain” is a prime example of a song that resonates with me on a personal level, as it captures the universal experience of longing for connection in a beautifully poetic way.
