WWE House Show Results (9/24): El Paso, Texas

Publish date: 2024-05-06

WWE Raw live event (El Paso, Tex. at the El Paso Coliseum)

Report by Micahel Bejarano and ProWrestling.net

Advertised: CM Punk, Alberto del Rio, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, John Morrison, Evan Bourne, Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix, Vickie Guerrero (Hometown)

Justin Roberts opened the show by saying that Miz and R-Truth would not be appearing. Vickie Guerrero came out to major heat in front of her hometown crowd and announced a battle royal for the first match.

1. John Morrison won a battle royal to earn a U.S. Championship match. The participants were Primo Colon, Mason Ryan, Zack Ryder, David Otunga, Mike McGillicuty, Drew McIntyre, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, Alex Riley, Jack Swagger. Morrison won by eliminating Swagger.

2. Kelly Kelly beat Beth Phoenix to retain the WWE Divas Championship. The match began with Kelly getting the better of Beth on offense. Beth was sent to ringside for a bit then she began her offense. Beth showboated for the crowd and Kelly scored the pinfall from behind for the clean win.

3. Zack Ryder beat Drew McIntyre. Pretty straightforward match with evenly traded high spots. Ryder hit his high spots and got the win via Rough Ryder.

4. Dolph Ziggler beat John Morrison to retain the U.S. Title. Vickie came out again and did her “excuse me” bit for more heat. In typical heel fashion, Ziggler avoided the grapple to get heat from the crowd. The mainly Hispanic crowd gave him a “culero” chant. See if you can translate that on Google… The action resumed and Dolph got in a lot of offense for a good while. Morrison rebounded and went for Starship Pain but did a last second abort. Both men had a couple false finishes and near falls. Vickie got banned from ringside but Dolph went over clean with a kick to the face and a pin for the win. So far the best match of the night.

The Bella Twins… Seriously? Anyway, they did a little dance contest for a chance to go backstage and meet the superstars.


Vickie came out and interrupted Roberts for the third time tonight. She introduced the newest member of her stable…

5. Jack Swagger beat Alex Riley. The crowd was a bit indifferent to both wrestlers for their intros. Swagger got on the offensive early on with a lot of submissions and strikes. Swagger had to resort to taunting to get the crowd into the match because the crowd really wasn’t into this one at all. Both men were down on the mat for a double count out with Riley getting the bet d Swagger immediately after. Swagger managed an ankle lock but had it reversed for a near fall. Swagger almost got pinned, but kicked out and locked in the ankle lock for the win by submission. Overall, it was a bit stale energy wise, but good for the story line involving Swagger, Ziggler, and Vickie.

6. Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston beat David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty to retain the WWE Tag Titles. Otunga and Kingston started off and Kingston dominated for the most part. Both men made tags, but the faces got the better of the exchange. The heels eventually started to dominate the match. A lot of double teaming while the red wasn’t watching ensued with Kofi eventually making the hot tag to Bourne. Something weird happened when Bourne went for the shooting star press, but they still got the pin.

Immediately after the match, The Miz and R-Truth came in for the beatdown but were eventually scared off and ran backstage. I saw that one coming before I got to the parking lot.

The main event was a Fan’s Choice match. Ricardo Rodriguez insulted the crowd and introduced Alberto Del Rio, only this time everyone understood what he was saying. Alberto Del Rio talked for a while saying how he was a “real” Mexican, not a Hispanic or a Chicano like the rest of the crowd. He did the fake leaving bit, then Punk’s music hit an he got a huge pop from the crowd. Justin Roberts gave the choice of best of three falls or a street fight. A “we want ice cream” chant broke out and punk acknowledged it with a laugh. Naturally the crowd popped huge for the street fight.

7. C.M. Punk beat Alberto Del Rio (w/Ricardo Rodriguez). The match got underway with CM Punk drop kicking Del Rio while he was yelling at the crowd. It didn’t take long for for the fight to go out of the ring, and they began throwing chairs in the ring. Del Rio found a kendo stick, as did Rodriguez, and they used that against Punk.

About ten minutes into the match they began hitting their high spots. Del Rio escaped an attempted GTS, but failed twice on the arm breaker. Punk hit his combo and hit the GTS for the win. And for good measure, Punk hit one on Rodriguez who tried to sneak attack him from behind after the pinfall.

After the match Punk got on the mic and thanked the crowd on behalf of everyone in the back. He then talked about what an honor it was to wrestle in front of Eddie Guerrero’s hometown crowd. The crowd popped huge, and he said that he didn’t want to hear a CM Punk chant. “You all know what name I wanna hear!” The crowd obliged and the entire coliseum erupted with an “Eddy” chant and Punk left to his music.

Overall, it was an entertaining show, I’m glad they booked more than what was advertised. It was actually a sold out event. Another great house show by the WWE!
