What Is L-Theanine? | L-Theanine Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects

Publish date: 2024-05-07

L-Theanine is a specific form of an amino acid found primarily in tea - mostly green tea and black tea - and gives it its savoury flavour. It’s also available in both pill and powder supplement forms. Theanine is well known for its calming and relaxing effects.1 While some benefits of L-Theanine are linked to consumption along with caffeine, others have been studied for L-Theanine alone.

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L-Theanine benefits

Energy and focus:

While many of us turn to coffee for a morning boost of energy from caffeine, some people are dedicated tea drinkers or may turn to green or black tea later in the day for a relaxing break. Much research has been done into L-Theanine, in combination with caffeine (how it naturally occurs in regular - non-decaffeinated - tea).1,2 A few other key benefits are...

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L-Theanine side effects

No adverse side effects have been found with L-Theanine; one study called it “safe and effective” when studying its benefits.6

L-Theanine dosage

The optimum dosage of L-Theanine has not yet been determined; dosage used in research has ranged from 100-500mg. 

Take home message

L-Theanine is a powerful, naturally occurring substance that we usually only get in our diet from green or black tea. L-Theanine can benefit relaxation, focus, your immune system, your circulation, and even with weight loss.
