InStyle Awards Editor's Diary

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Ah, the glamorous life of being an online editor at an award show. You sleep late, get facials, and hang out with celebrities. HAHA, JUST KIDDING! Want to know what it’s really like to be an online editor at an awards show? Follow my day, as I get ready for the InStyle Awards.

5:30 a.m. Time to wake up. Bless. Bless. Bless. After landing late last night in Los Angeles I woke up in a Disney-Princess worthy king size bed at The Peninsula Beverly Hills. 5:30 a.m., you ask? The team in New York is already abuzz online so I want to be sure I’m not missing too much. Plus, jetlag.

Ruthie Friedlander

6:30 a.m. I can’t function well without eating breakfast. Typically, I go for a yogurt/granola combo, but when in Rome (Rome being a chic hotel in this instance). Here’s me giving a delicious stack of pancakes a thumbs up.

Ruthie Friedlander

8:30 a.m. While in L.A., I also was working on a super secret project. While I can’t tell you what I left the hotel to go do (Sorry! You’ll have to wait a few months!) I can show you the glorious treat I found waiting in my hotel room right before my departure: InStyle Magazine’s November cover…made completely out of sugar. SWEET.

Ruthie Friedlander

12 p.m. Yes, it’s a work trip, but I’m in L.A. After my super secret project, I headed back to the hotel to meet our Creative Director, Rina Stone, poolside, for lunch. Shrimp Cesar salad and fries, please!

1:30 p.m. To know me is to know my love of naps. Before any event, work or otherwise, I need one hour to rest my eyes. I’m a pro-napper. Especially when I’m laying my head on a monogrammed pillow.

Ruthie Friedlander

2:30 p.m. It’s time to get ready. Here’s a little big about what my beauty routine TYPICALLY is: Wash face. Moisturize. Center part. Ponytail. Bye! Here’s what happened the evening of the InStyle Awards: Two geniuses arrived at my room care of Glamsquad (my favorite app ever). Their instagram handles are: @beautyxsophierose and @alixtaylor_beautybabe. They made me look like a Jewish Kardashian and I will be forever grateful.

Ruthie Friedlander

3:30 p.m. For our Instagram activation, we played around with the KiraKira app. So obviously I needed a sparkly dress. After weeks of looking for the best one, I landed on this showstopper from DVF. I love it because it was so out of the ordinary from what I typically wear but still so comfortable. And fine, it wasn’t as good as Kate Bosworth’s look, but I’d say I came in at a close second.

Ruthie Friedlander

4:30 p.m. The lobby of the Peninsula hotel has about 234,234 comfy chairs and couches. While awaiting my ride (courtesy of Cadillac, thank you very much) I decided to take this selfie on one of them.

Ruthie Friedlander

5:30 p.m. We have arrived to the Getty! It’s essential to get a good Instagram pre-event when you’re working at a party. You just never know if you’ll get the time to during the mayhem.


The best person to take your photo? Your social media manager, which in my case is the great Macey Hall. Pro tip: Find a prop, like the sexiest car ever, to star in your picture. Now, let’s get to WERK.
