AEW Dynamite Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights for April 26, 2023

Publish date: 2024-05-09

It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage.

The start time for AEW Dynamite is at 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Tonight promises another exciting night of action as the AEW International Championship and the TBS Championship are on the line. We will also hear from Adam Cole tonight. The complete match card is as follows:

AEW Dynamite Opener:

The opening package for the show airs.

The commentators welcome the audience to the show.

AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Bandido

Orange Cassidy’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Bandido’s music plays and he walks out to the ring.

The match begins and Bandido shows off his athletic skills. Bandido with an arm drag. Cassidy also does an arm drag. Cassidy with a head scissors sending Bandido out of the ring.

Cassidy with a hurricanrana and a dropkick sending Bandido out of the ring again. Cassidy goes for a dive but is caught and dropped onto the barricade. Cover! 1…2….kick out.

Bandido attacks Cassidy in the corner. Bandido goes to work on Cassidy. He locks in the stretch muffler. Cassidy gets to the ropes. Bandido hits a dropkick sending him out of the ring. Bandido then dives onto Cassidy on the outside. Bandido sends Cassidy into the steel steps. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Bandido goes to work on Cassidy. Bandido goes for a suplex but Cassidy reverses and hits a stunner. Cassidy goes for a tornado DDT but Bandido reverses and hits a suplex. Bandido chops him and superkicks him. He hits a pump kick and attacks him in the corner.

Cassidy fights back by slamming Bandido into the turnbuckle. Cassidy climbs the top rope and hits a diving crossbody and a Michinoku driver. Cover! 1…2….kick out. Cassidy with a suicide dive on Bandido. He climbs the rope but is kicked by Bandido. He suplexes Cassidy into the ring and hits the cutter. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Cassidy set up on the top rope. Cassidy fights back and knocks him down. Cassidy goes for a crossbody but Bandido catches him and drops him. He then hits the frog splash. Cover! 1….2…kick out.

Cassidy locks him in the mouse trap but he escapes. Cassidy hits the Orange Punch and beach break for the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy (c)

After the match, Cassidy places a sunglass on Bandido’s face.

Renee interviews Adam Cole who says he is going to call out Chris Jericho tonight and he will show him the mistake he made. He then walks away. Cassidy walks in and Renee updates him on what happened. Orange just walks away.

*Commercial break*

Renee interviews Jack and Darby who says they should respect each other. He says the way his match with Sammy ended was crap and asks Jack to have his back. Jack agrees and wishes him good luck tonight. Darby says it would’ve been nice if it was them in the ring because he would’ve beat him. He then walks away.

Dax Harwood vs. Jeff Jarrett

Jeff Jarrett’s music plays and he comes out to the ring. Dax Harwood’s music plays next and he comes out to the ring.

The match begins and Jeff Jarrett hits the arm drag. Jeff takes down Dax. He knocks down Dax and hits an arm drag and a body slam.

Dax Harwood chops him. Jeff stomps him in the corner. Dax fights back with a suplex. Cover! 1…2….kick out. He sets Jeff on the top rope and goes for a superplex but is knocked down. Jeff with an elbow to Dax.

Jeff sends Dax into the barricade. Dax fights back and sends him into the ring. Dax sent into the turnbuckle. Jeff with a sleeper hold. Jeff hits a kneebreaker and goes for a figure four leg lock but Dax counters it.

Dax hits a diving headbutt on Jeff. Dax with a piledriver on Jeff. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Dax sends Jeff into the barricade and sends him into the ring. Dax goes for a dropkick but Jeff catches him and catapults him into the turnbuckle. Cover! 1…2..kick out.

Jeff goes for the figure four leg lock but he is rolled up but Dax can’t get the pinfall. Dax with a lariat. Dax goes for a suplex but Sonjay Dutt trips him. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Sonjay Dutt distracts Dax allowing Jeff to hit the Stroke for the win.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

Tony Khan is backstage and he says that thanks to Martha Hart, the opening ceremony for the Owen Hart Cup will take place at Double or Nothing and the tournament will take place in Canada.

Wardlow vs. Local Talent

Wardlow’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. His opponent is in the ring.

The match begins and Wardlow hits the lariat. He then hits a couple of powerbombs and pins him.

Winner: Wardlow

Arn Anderson gets on the mic and says everybody is asking why did they team up. He says Wardlow beat Powerhouse Hobbs to become champion. He says he has been in AEW for three years and he has figured out who is who in the locker room.

He then says Wardlow is AEW’s dynasty and there ain’t anyone who has what he has. He says Wardlow can put AEW on his shoulders and take it into the next millennium. He says sometimes Wardlow will have to get violent.

Christian’s music plays and he comes out with Luchasaurus. But Christian doesn’t get in the ring. Christian whispers something to Luchasaurus and they walk away.

Renee interviews Sammy Guevara and MJF. MJF says that people are saying he manipulated Tony Khan. Sammy says they don’t care what people are saying. Sammy says he is going to beat Darby tonight. He then gets MJF a present and offers him a matching vest.

MJF gives him his own scarf. Sammy thanks MJF and they hug.

*Commercial break*

Jon Moxley attacks RJ City and says they have some scars to leave tonight on Dynamite.

Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin

Darby Allin’s music hit and he makes his way to the ring. Sammy Guevara’s music plays and he walks out to the ring. MJF’s theme song plays and he comes out and sits at the broadcast booth.

The match begins and Sammy slaps Darby who then takes him down. Darby with an arm drag. He takes him down again. Sammy hits a dropkick. Darby locks in a sharpshooter. Sammy gets to the rope. He spits on Darby and hits him from behind sending him out of the ring.

Sammy sends Darby into the ring. Darby slaps Sammy and goes for a German suplex off the apron but he holds on and low blows him. Guevara hits a moonsault. Sammy attacks Darby. He sends Darby into the barricade. Sammy locks in the Boston crab. Darby gets to the rope.

Sammy climbs the top rope but is stopped. Darby is knocked off. Sammy hits a frog splash. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Sammy goes for the three amigos but Darby reverses it into the reverse DDT.

Darby goes for a suicide dive but Sammy hits a cutter. Sammy gets a table. Darby fights back and places him oni the table. Darby climbs the rope but Tay Melo distracts him and Sammy hits the Spanish fly. Cover! 1…2….Darby gets his hand on the rope.

Sammy places Darby on the table and climbs the top rope. He hits the 630 on Darby. MJF walks to the ring. Sammy goes for splash but misses. Darby with a dropkick. He climbs the top rope. Tay distracts the referee. MJF tosses the skateboard to Darby and Sammy falls to the mat. The referee catches Darby and disqualifies him.

Winner: Sammy Guevara via DQ.

After the match Sammy and MJF attack Darby in the ring. Jack Perry comes out to help Darby. Darby and Jack are arguing in the ring. MJF urges them to keep fighting and he says Darby and Jack are going back to the undercard. He then insults the fans.

Tony Schiavone gets on the mic and says he just spoke to Tony Khan and he says Sammy earned his title shot at Double or Nothing but he may not be the only one. He says that next week, Darby and Jack will face Sammy and MJF and if Darby and Jack Perry win they will be added to the match at Double or Nothing. MJF is upset with the announcement.

*Commercial break*

Renee interviews MJF and Sammy. MJF says Tony has been playing games since he won the title and he gets in his car to leave but doesn’t allow Sammy into the car.

Adam Cole’s music plays and he walks to the ring. He gets on the mic and says it is one thing for Jericho to beat him up but the fact that he handcuffed him and orchestrated the attack on Britt Baker was unforgivable. He calls Jericho out. Jericho’s music hit and he appears on the big screen. Jericho says he doesn’t want to be near Adam Cole. He says Cole did nothing to stop the assault on Britt Baker and he doesn’t want anything to do with Cole. He orders the JAS to attack him.

JAS make their way to the ring and they attack him. Orange Cassidy and Bandido come out to help but the numbers are too much. They viciously attack Adam Cole, Cassidy, and Bandido. Roderick Strong comes out and attacks the JAS. He hits the Olympic slam on Jake Hager and dropkicks Angelo Parker. Cole and Strong hug in the ring.

QT Marshall says it has been a rough couple of weeks for them. Powerhouse Hobbs grabs QT Marshall who tells him Hobbs will be a champion again and he promises to fix it. QT then suggests they go to plan B.

TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie

Taya Valkyrie’s music plays and she makes her way to the ring. Jade Cargill’s theme song plays and she walks to the ring.

The match begins and Taya slaps her. Jade attacks her in the corner. Taya fights back with a lariat. Taya attacks Jade. She attacks Jade in the corner. Taya sends Jade out of the ring. Jade trips her and drops her on the floor. Taya sent into the barricade.

Jade sends her into the steel steps and kicks her. Jade hits the suplex. Cover1 1…2….kick out. Jade goes to work on Taya. Jade hits a bodyslam. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Taya hits the blue thunder bomb. Cover! 1….2…kick out.

Jades sets Taya up on the top rope. Jade hits the superplex on Taya. Jade with a Canadian destroyer. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Jade goes for Jaded but Taya escapes and hits the double stomp. Cover! 1..2…kick out.

As Taya realizes she can’t use the road to Valhalla, Jade rolls up Taya for the win.

Winner: Jade Cargill (c)

After the match, Taya attacks Jade Cargill and attempts to use the Road to Valhalla but is stopped by the referee.

Britt is backstage and she says the Outcasts don’t know what they are capable of. Jamie says this is far from over.

Bryan Danielson’s music plays and he comes out and sits at the broadcast booth.

*Commercial break*

The Butcher & The Blade vs. Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita

Kenny Omega’s music plays and he comes out with Konosuke Takeshita. The Butcher & The Blade’s theme song plays and they come out to the ring.

The match begins with Blade and Takeshita. Blade attacks Takeshita in the corner. Takeshita fights back and hits a dropkick. He tags out and Omega attacks Blade. He tags out and Takeshita continues the attack. He tags out and Omega hits the more bang for your buck. Takeshita tags in and hits a senton. Cover! 1..2…kick out.

Omega with a hurricanrana sending Blade outside the ring. He hits the rope but Kip distracts him and Butcher lays him out. Kip Sabian attacks Omega. Blade tags out and Butcher attacks Omega. Butcher goes to work on Omega and tags out. Blade attacks Omega.

Blade kicks Omega. Cover! 1….2…..kick out. Butch tags in and they hit a double-team move. Cover! 1…2….kick out. Butcher tags out and Blade continues the assault. Omega fights back and both men exchange strikes. Omega with a dropkick and a kotaru crusher. He tags out and Takeshita hits a crossbody on Butcher. He hits the Takeshita line.

Takeshita attacks Butcher in the corner. He then hits the brain buster. Cover! 1…2….kick out. Butcher hits the backbreaker and a lariat. Cover! 1…2….Omega makes the save. Takeshita with a hurricanrana. Omega with a V trigger and Takeshita hits the blue thunder bomb. Cover! 1…2….Blade makes the save. Omega hits the dragon suplex on Blade and dives onto him.

Takeshita hits Butcher with the knee for the win.

Winner: Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita

Bryan Danielson gets on the mic and says he sees one professional wrestler who got the pin and one amateur who looks exhausted. He says he sees a prodigy who can reach his full potential if he trains with the Blackpool Combat Club.

Blackpool Combat Club attack Omega and Takehita from behind. The Young Bucks come down and attack Claudio and Yuta. Omega hits the snap dragon suplex on Moxley. The Young Bucks superkick him.

Omega takes the screwdriver but Takeshita begs him not to attack him. Moxley attacks Omega and hits the paradigm shift. Bryan says Takeshita wants to be with the Blackpool Combat Club. Yuta low blows him from behind and Moxley attacks Takeshita with the screwdriver.

This ends our live coverage of AEW Dynamite!
